Sunday 24 April 2016

NHS Posters

I have looked at a variety of different NHS posters, as I am inspired by the simplicity of them, with the ability to still get an important message across. I like how each of these posters are very brightly coloured and none of them use real life photographs.

This is how I would like my campaign to be. I will be using bright background colours with a series of illustrations that I will be designing. I will have my logo on each poster, just like on the NHS posters, to make sure all viewers know what the poster is for.

I will then have a small amount of text on my posters, like each of these, as too much text is overpowering and I believe that each of the above posters have a great balance of image and text.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Completed Survey / Survey Results

After looking back at my survey results today I have seen that it has been fully completed by 100 respondents. This is a great amount of responses and I will be analysing the results ready for finalising my branding and campaign idea. 

Below are screen shots of the results I have received via the only survey maker Survey Monkey:

After looking thoroughly through the results I decided to create my own graphs representing the results. Please find these below. As questions 3 and 7 were not multiple choice, I could not create a graph for these, so I have displayed every individual answer which I received from my respondents.

Overall, I was extremely pleased with gaining 100 respondents. Even though it is still only a small sample, I can use the feedback and statistics I have gained to create an accurate project outcome.