Sunday 28 February 2016

Net Children Go Mobile Report

I have also looked at the Net Children Go Mobile report about UK children's experience of smartphones and tablets as this is very relevant to my topic. 

By using this report it has enabled me to look in depth at different subjects including the parental concerns of children using smartphones, children's use of smartphones and importantly children perceptions of the risks relating to smartphones and tablets. This will tie in to my 2nd research question in particular. 

This report is extremely in depth and detailed and gives out a lot of useful and important information about children using smartphones which is perfect for studying for my topic.

Friday 26 February 2016

Ofcom Report

I have decided to look at the Ofcom report titled Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report from November 2015 which is the most recent one that has been released. 

I have been able to access a very large variety of statistics and other data from this report which are very relevant to my project.

I have mainly focused on the statistics from the section about smartphone ownership of children as well as what rules parents have regarding their child using smartphone.

I definitely was going to use the Ofcom report as it gives out so much information and it is very interesting to see the different figures on each different subject.

Monday 22 February 2016

Presentation To The Class

Today I did my presentation of my advanced project to the class as well as David and Stephen. I created a powerpoint presentation to display to the class including a balanced amount of visuals and text to keep their attention at all times. 

I also planned what I was going to say and typed up a series of 'presentation notes' which I printed for prompts during my presentation. I did this so that there was no point where I did not know what to say or couldn't think of anything to say causing a silence. 

By having pre-prepared notes I felt confident to speak in front of the class about my project and that I would be able to keep them interested and involved at all times.

These are the slides of my powerpoint presentation:

I followed the plan suggested by David during class for my presentation and tried to include as much information about my project as I could fit in the time I was allocated to present.

I chose certain bits of literature that I have researched and studied, to explain my knowledge of these certain things to the class.
Overall, I believe that during my presentation I was able to get across the topic and main ideas behind my project.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Think: Mobile Phones - Campaign

I have decided to look at the Think campaign for mobile phones, for some ideas on how to create a successful campaign. I chose to study the campaign to do with mobile phones, as this is the most similar Think campaign to my topic, therefore can relate my idea to this for relevant ideas for my own campaign.

These are the 3 posters from this campaign that I like the most. They are all representing not using your mobile phone whilst driving. The first 2 are quite similar with the vertical lines which actually show 2 images, one image of a couple / 2 girls and the other image which shows a van on the road. This is a great way of showing 2 things that you could be looking at whilst driving - a photo or background on a phone or the actual road.

Each poster contains a short sentence at the bottom of the page, which definitely gets the message across despite the fact it is very short. The Think logo is also present in the right bottom corner of each poster which is vital for any campaign.

The last poster is very simple and just contains a series of 'emotions' or 'emojis' in the centre of the page. Each one represents a part of a story the poster is trying to portray. Once the story is understood this gives a very serious and shocking message across in a very subtle and creative way.

This campaign also has a moving image advert which is another visual way of getting the message out there to the audience. This video has a split screen and each side has the same shot throughout the entirety of it, with a narration and visual of the Think logo at the end. I like this video as it is very realistic as to what could really happen if you use your mobile phone whilst driving.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Mirror Article - Do You Have 'Text Neck'

16th October 2015

Similar to The Telegraph article about children becoming hunchbacks, this Mirror article is very similar and is portraying the same message about a lot of children being diagnosed with text neck. 

It again explains about the backwards curve in the neck and spine due to hunching over a smartphone for long amounts of time without sitting up straight. 

Thursday 4 February 2016

Supervisor Meeting - 04/02/16

Today I had another successful meeting with my supervisor Miriam. I informed her of the development of my idea - The negative effects of smartphones on children.

Firstly, Miriam gave me the idea to conduct interviews with parents who have children under 16, to get feedback of what the parents have to say about whether their children are addicted to their smartphone as well as why and how often they use them.

We also agreed that I should thoroughly research the negative effects, and what actually happens to them when they use smartphones.

I told Miriam about the book called iRules by Janell Burley Hofmann which I have been reading and studying as I feel this is very relevant to my topic.

We also spoke about the idea of designing and creating a story book for my exhibition, which will tell a story based on the research I have done with regards to my topic. For example, highlighting the negative consequences of children using smartphones, to make parents and children understand.

I will also begin to think of ideas for a brand and style for my campaign by writing down a variety of words and sentences to do with my topic and drawing out the best ones for influences for my campaign. I am also going to look at other successful campaigns for inspiration for my own campaign.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Book - iRules by Janell Burley Hofmann

Whilst researching for my topic I came across a news article which mentioned a book called iRules: What Every Tech Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up by Janell Burley Hofmann. Hofmann is a parent, author, international speaker and parent coach, who's book is based all about the contract of rules she wrote for her son when she gave him his first iPhone. 

This book is very inspiring and influential and is very relevant to my topic as it covers a variety of aspects to do with my research questions. By studying this book it will help me to produce an accurate project outcome. 

Janell Burley Hofmann also has her own website where she gives advice to other parents and it gives you the option to ask her a question as well as create your own iRules, which is very interactive. Also on the website you can access her son's very own contract. This is the contract she wrote for him which has now become very famous: