Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Book - iRules by Janell Burley Hofmann

Whilst researching for my topic I came across a news article which mentioned a book called iRules: What Every Tech Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up by Janell Burley Hofmann. Hofmann is a parent, author, international speaker and parent coach, who's book is based all about the contract of rules she wrote for her son when she gave him his first iPhone. 

This book is very inspiring and influential and is very relevant to my topic as it covers a variety of aspects to do with my research questions. By studying this book it will help me to produce an accurate project outcome. 

Janell Burley Hofmann also has her own website where she gives advice to other parents and it gives you the option to ask her a question as well as create your own iRules, which is very interactive. Also on the website you can access her son's very own contract. This is the contract she wrote for him which has now become very famous:

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