Thursday 12 May 2016

Final Design Ideas for Campaign

For my campaign I am going to use the research I have found and put it in to practice. I am going to focus on the negative health effects of being addicted to a smartphone, which I have looked at in detail. I am also going to use inspiration from other campaign designs which I have studied in order for mine to be successful.

Here are my final design ideas for each part of my campaign:

A2 Size Poster 1: Within this poster there will be a hand with a smartphone chained to it which is held in front a window where it will be night time. This poster will specify how not getting enough sleep and using a smartphone late at night can impact on learning at school. I think this will be an important aspect to many parents, as a child's education is vital.

A2 Size Poster 2: This poster will highlight the fact that the constant use of a smartphone can affect children's eye sight and they can develop eye conditions such as myopia which is short sightedness It will contain a pair of glasses where it is only clear through the lenses, the rest of the image will be blurry.

A2 Size Poster 3: For this poster, it will emphasise the fact that hunching over a smartphone can permanently damage children's necks and spines. There will be an image with a skeleton with a bent over / hunched back and another skeleton with a straight back. This will highlight the difference between using a smartphone and not using a smartphone too much.

A2 Size Poster 4: This poster is going to show an evolution of a child who uses a smartphone. It will start off with a straight, correctly curved back, and then gradually get worse and more hunched, as well as incorporating the idea of each other poster - with the tiredness and bad eyesight. There will be a more generic sentence on this poster.

Each poster will include my logo, and will be printed on a foamex board for display at the exhibition.

6 Page DL Leaflet: The leaflet will have a front page with a light pastel blue background with the logo on and a brief description of the study this campaign is more. Each page of the leaflet will contain a scale down version of each of the posters. I will have a large quantity of leaflets printed for my exhibition for people to take with them.

Pull Up Banner: This banner will act as a large advertisement for the project itself and the campaign. The logo will be present and also each poster design will be present, as well as a description of the study. The background of this will again be the same blue as the leaflet cover. This will be printed and displayed at my exhibition. 

Story Book: For the story book I will incorporating all aspects of the posters showing the main negative effects I have found through my research. I will write a short fiction story which contains facts about these particular negative effects, with images on one side and the text on the other. The front and back cover will be again blue, and each page of the book will be a bright colour to attract attention. The logo will also be on the front and back cover.

Moving Image Advert: I will be using generic facts within the moving image advert, and not specifying about anything in particular, except filming with glasses as a prop to emphasise this issue through film as I believe it is one of the most likely health implications for a child. I will use the blue background for the introduction, any text present, and the ending. The logo will also be present within the advert.

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