Thursday 24 March 2016

Journal - Mobile Phone Distraction

I found this scholarly journal within the Sage Journals library and I felt it was appropriate for certain aspects of my topic. 

Within this journal article the authors explain how on going use of a mobile phone coupled with no rules or regulations on this, can result in poor academic performance. This relates back to the idea of smartphones affecting children's school capability and learning.

This journal mainly goes in to detail about children use their smartphones, for example listening to music, exchanging text messages and using social media, instead of taking a break from the phone and studying for school.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Telegraph Article - Glasses will be needed due to screens

22nd February 2016

I came across this very recent article whilst browsing the Telegraph news website, and it is related to the idea of advancing myopia. Research shows that 49.8% of the world's population will require glasses by 2050. The reinforces the idea that technological devices are causing short sightedness.

Another study also found that children now are twice as likely to be short sighted than 50 years, and the amount of children with short sightedness has in fact doubled in the past 50 years.

The signs that a child could have myopia include:
- Sitting too close to the TV or having the device very close to the face
- Complaining of having headaches and tired eyes
- Needing to sit near the front of the class at school because they cannot see the board

This compelling article backs up the idea of children developing short sightedness from constantly using a smartphone.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Daily Mail Article - 'Screen Sightedness'

15th August 2013

I have found this very interesting article to do with how smartphones are affecting people's eyesight and causing problems for vision.

Within the article, David Allamby, the founder of Focus Clinics, has said that there has been a 35 per cent increase in the number of people with advancing myopia, which is short sightedness, since the launch of smartphones in 1997. 

Previous research has shown that using a smartphone can cause headaches and damage people's vision. Mr Allamby also says that today children are most at risk of myopia, with children as young as age 7 being given smartphones to use.

He predicts that 40 to 50 per cent of 30 year olds could have myopia by 2033 as a result of a lifestyle involving smartphones and looking closely at a screen.

This particular article highlights an answer to my research question 2, as this is a very negative consequence and health implication of children using smartphones.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Daily Mail Article - Smartphones are a 'back injury time bomb'

13th November 2013

This article mainly explains how electronic devices can cause back injury for children, and how many school children have said that they are getting pains in their backs.

This is linked to the constant use of devices such as smartphones, and there is a growing concern about them wrecking young children's bodies. This article really emphasises the way that many children have been complaining and getting bad back pain, and it is the modern technology we now have that is causing this.

It is imperative that our children go outside and do activities, and that we instil good habits in them rather not being able to do anything later in life due pain and disability of the back.